Patients Still Suffer Diabetes Injury on World Diabetes Day

Today is World Diabetes Day.  On the day of Frederick Banting's birthday, who famously teamed with Charles Best in the 1922 discovery of insulin, we recognize the contributions this discovery has made to the quality of individuals' lives overall.

Before the discovery of insulin, diabetes was a death sentence.  This could mean a slow death, amputation, vision impairment, and a severe reduction in your quality of life.  The discovery of insulin meant these ailments could be prevented and people could live longer.

And yet, diabetes has doubled across the world, mostly due to new type 2 or lifestyle diabetes.  World wide, 366 million people suffer from diabetes, and that number is expected to reach 438 million by 2030.  As cases continue to grow, the need for research is becoming clearer. 

Diabetes Treatment Today

Today, diabetes treatment is varied, ranging between insulin injections to medication and inslet cell transplants in extreme cases.  Type 1 diabetes patients, or those who were born with the condition, enjoy long lives well into their 70's with this disease.  As long as patients monitor their blood glucose and stick to the guidelines their doctors set forth, people can generally extend their lives and live a quality life. Because these patients don't produce insulin, the addition of insulin to their system is critical for a long life.

Type 2 diabetes patients, or those suffering from lifestyle diabetes, have very different options.  In these patients, the body doesn't make enough insulin or their body is resistent to the insulin produced.  To alleviate these symptoms, patients are often prescribed medication and dietary changes.

When Diabetes Treatments Injur Patients Instead

The most popular diabetes 2 treatment has been medication, and specifically the medication Actos has been the leading medication to control blood sugar levels.  As a thiazolidinedione, Actos works by increasing the body's sensitivity to insulin.

However, thousands of Americans have suffered severe consequences as a result of taking Actos.  This includes:

  • Bladder cancer
  • Heart failure
  • Liver failure
  • Macular edema
  • Bone fractures
A 2008 Kaiser Permanente 10 year meta- study concluded that patients who took Actos for a year or longer were 40% more likely to develop bladder cancer

In June 2011, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agreed with the Kasier Permanente study and announced that patients taking Actos were 40% more likely to develop bladder cancer.

As a result, thousands of patients have suffered and to date, well over a thousand have also filed suit against the drug's manufacturer, Takeda Pharmaceuticals.

If you or your loved one has suffered the devastating effects of bladder cancer or other severe consequences of taking Actos, you are encouraged to talk to a skilled product liability attorney to protect your rights. You may be eligible for compensation as a result of your injuries.