Health Officials Warn OTC Study Aids Could Cause Injury

Growing up, I remember hitting the books and studying with such aids as coffee and unhealthy snacks like pizza to fuel me.  But these days, it appears students are turning to prescription drug use like the attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) drug Adderall, or even more dangerous, over the counter "dietary supplements" which are marketed to produce effects similar to that.  Students believe these drugs can help them stay up all night and study for their exams.  But health experts are warning against the use of these drugs, fearful that over the counter knock offs of this prescription drug could potentially injure unsuspecting consumers. 

What's the Danger?

Over the counter drugs labelled for sale as "dietary supplements" are not required to be regulated by health regulatory bodies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA.)  Because of this label, health officials are fearful drug makers will include the same powerful ingredients that are usually found in prescription drugs.  Unregulated, these could produce severe injuries in consumers.  In many instances, the knock off drugs of Adderall include many of the same active ingredients, including powerful amphetamines.  In over the counter supplements, consumers who pop these pills do not require screening for heart problems that might pose a problem.  And in fact, could injure themselves in the following ways, causing:

  • chest pains
  • shortness of breath
  • irregular heart beats
  • heart attack
  • stroke
  • death
These drugs could pose significant problems to consumers who may be unaware.  Given the massive popularity of the ADHD drug Adderall as a study aid, this off label use and the subsequent copycat "dietary supplements" are a growing concern for health officials.  

If You Have Been Injured

Over the years, consumers have reported a dizzying array of serious consequences due to "dietary supplements" with amphetamine components. This has ranged from burning holes into their hearts to strokes.  Consumers should realize that they could be at significant risk for injury. If you have taken these products and suffered an injury, you may be entitled to compensation. You should seek both medical treatment and the sage counsel of a skilled product liability lawyer who can help you.